Call me old fashion or out dated but I remember growing up in a time where a hundred dollar pair of basketball shoes were unheard of (Air Jordans, Reebok pumps, etc.) Back then people were saying dayuuuum! Maybe I've been out of the loop or maybe I've just been around skate shoes too much. I took a stroll through to see what was going on currently in the athletic shoe world besides skateboarding, I discovered some shocking, unbelievable, can't believe my eyes kind of things. I'm going to share some of them with you.
Please note that these are current products that is readily available for purchase at, not reseller/flight club prices. I selected a shoe from different sports and categories.
The first shoe that came up was a soccer shoe called the
Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly II elite. retail price $400.00This is the most expensive athletic shoe I've ever seen.

This second shoe is a basketball shoe made popular by Penny Hardaway in the early 90's called The foamposite one. This bulky heavy boot of a basketball shoe is in my opinion, not technically basketball friendly. It looks like it would get an overall 3 out of 10 in weight, comfort, and response. Retail price $200.00.

This third shoe is from Golf and is called the
Nike Lunar Control. Retail price $190.00. Why would you need $190 tech shoes in golf? Basketball, I'd understand. Baseball, soccer, football, maybe. Not golf!

Here's another basketball shoe from Jordan brand. These GR basketball shoes are probably something you would find in a outlet or a Ross. These are called
The Jordan Rare Air Retail price $140.00 
These guys make so many kooky shoes (spizikes, air force J's, etc.) I'm so over them. The quality of Jordan is so poor I retired from buying these pieces of shits a while ago. You can kiss comfort and quality out the door because now these guys are looking to grab all your money and run.
Don't get me wrong, I love my 3's, 4's and 5's but I cannot stand the price bumps on the retail price and further more, the poor poor quality of materials and construction.
P.s. The jordan XI cool grays had a box price of $175 excluding tax! Sold out instantly.
The last pair I'm going to share here is a winter style athletic boot called the
Nike ACG posite balkin. Retail price $215.00
I know boots are an expensive item and probably worth coughing up $100-$200 but I doubt Nike makes a reputable boot. I would go with Timbs or cats or something.
Whoever knew that we'd see a Nike sneaker near hit the $200, $300 and $400 mark all in the same era and so quick! I understand the motive to purchased an expensive tech shoe that will protect your feet and provide you with the most comfortable cushioning and support to get through whatever it is you're doing. Especially knowing that injuries are costly and painful. I'm all for taking care of yourself when playing sports or getting physical but please don't rip the consumer with bull shit low quality shoes.