Let me tell you that although I'm stressed out because my life is almost over! SMH. I had one of the best, memorable birthday in a while. Thank you for all the friends and fam that made it awesome. love you all.
Before heading out to Vegas, stopped by Heelbruise HQ for goodies!! That leopard print logo is fire btw. Thank you Richie!
I got these in LA while I was in Vegas. Does that make any sense? It does.
I have a thing for green shoes, also orange and orange & black combo. These are real nice. Under the green color is a bronze oxidation color resembling the aesthetic characteristics of the statue of liberty. You have to skate them to get to the under layer but I'm not going to skate them. I love the green. Thank you for the B-Day present Ab & Tet.
Back home in reality, I met up with an OG surf local who just happens to have some DS Old skool Oakley frogskins. Among them, is a DS original Matte Rootbeer/Fire Iridium which I bartered for a pair of 4-legged frogskins which I wasn't that into to. This is one of the most sought after epic pair of Frogskins ever made. #winning.
One of my favorite things to do is eat. I live to eat. The eats this weekend was top notch and there was way too much to post. Plus, I don't want to make this a food blog even though I'm thinking about it. Food and Shoes!
However, there was one honorable mention that I have to post and give a giant shout out to. I'm a big burger guy and this is the best burger I've ever had in my life. I don't think I'm alone on this one. If you're ever in the Orange County area, or even if you're not, you need to make a stop here. Slater's 50/50 Burger in Anaheim Hills, CA. I'm not going to say anything else. Do your research or just GO!
This is not about quantity although quantity is a characteristic of the burgers, it is quality. This is no fast food joint btw.
Amongst all the material things that one could have, I'm the most thankful for the non-material things that money cannot buy. Like watching the sun rise in the desert on the way to Vegas (One of my favorite sights of all time).
I am grateful for my family, friends, health, life and being able to do all the things I'm able to do. Thanks everyone.