Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy 15th Anniversary Fourstar Clothing

Wow, I feel old. Fourstar has been the only skateboarding clothing brand that I have been wearing since I could remember stepping onto a board. This year they turn 15. In the 90's, a lot of companies came and went. Clothing companies were probably amongst the fastest to come and go followed by board companies (remember A-team?)
Trends come and go, styles change. This is life. Fourstar clothing has done it right. Being able to adapt to the changes I think was the key. That's how you survive. That's how you strive. That's how Eric Koston and the Girl guys became amongst the most successful skaters in the industry.

Congratulations on your 15th Fourstar Clothing. As an anniversary gift, you get Ishod Wair.

Fourstar Clothing welcomes Ishod Wair to the team from Crailtap on Vimeo.

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